Saturday, 25 May 2013

water level indicator

water level indicator

over flowing of water from the overhead tank can be prevented by the implementation of this circuit.
This circuit indicates the amount of water in the overhead tank during the water filling operation of the motor.when the water is 25% filled a red led glows,50% filled a blue led glows,75% filled a green led glows and when it is 99% filled the buzzer beeps up.
The position of the leds and buzzer can be adjusted accordingly by the circuit implementer by fixing the wires at the desired place.
This circuit is made and tested by me and it works,i have established it in my home and it is working fine.
Here i have used a 555 timer for beeping the buzzer and 6v adapter supply for power and a k buzzer.

1 NE555 timer
3 BC548 transistor
3 leds(red,blue,green)
1 K buzzer
resistors- 1pc 100k
                1pc 1k
                 3 pc 220k

the circuit was made by me for college project in 2nd yr of my

it was very nice to play with leds and buzzer,
the sound of the buzzer can be increased by increasing the resistor 100k to more higher value.

for any further information on this project or any problem please comment below or email me to


  1. saw a lot of circuits on level indicator but this one really worked perfectly...thanks..
    hoping to see more innovative circuits
    thanks once again!

  2. hey will this not get short ciruit in water.

  3. can you tell me how to make a windmill i want to make it for my school science project

  4. well welcome abhishek let me know when you complete your innovation.

  5. no suresh it will never get short circuit because here water is helping in conduction of current to closed the circuit,,,,,so whenever water will be in contact or any current conducting material then there will be closed path and the circuit will get on.

  6. hmmm.......ksmsl why not...i have'nt made any as such but i will provide you with complete details shortly.....

  7. what is the component between pin 1 and 2 (22.2uf)

  8. its a ceramic capacitor with 22.2uf, you can use different depending on your configurations of resistors, further you can also use electrolytic capacitor with 12v or 16v rating if you don't get ceramic, all works fine. this capacitor is used to generate pulse to drive the buzzer.for more information about this refer any analog electronics books, 555 timer astable mode configuration and its duty cycle calculation procedure.....incase of further queries comment..

  9. thanks ratan,its very helpful for me.....

    1. you are most welcome, in case you need any help further, contact me


About the author

Scholar Ratan pal singh is a Google scholar, a man with innovative ideas and a nothing is impossible attitude, is a tech-lover.
He works as a independent researcher and freelance website and software developer.
Member of IEEE comsoc society, Green technology society and has published research paper and codes in many international journals and opensource.

"Failure is the pillar of success and Honesty with oneself is the only true way of achieving self-confidence."

